students pitching industry pros at First Pitch 2019

The final year of SFTV’s M.F.A. Writing and Producing for Television and Writing for the Screen Programs focuses on preparing students to launch their careers. The year culminates in First Pitch—our annual speed-pitching and networking event that brings together our new graduates with industry professionals eager to discover writers with compelling stories to tell.

During this evening event, our graduates get the chance to sit down with several managers, agents, and producers to present their well-rehearsed pitches for their creative projects. These quick but informative meet-ups kick off relationships between these writers and the people who can represent or hire them — offering our newest alumni an invaluable foot in the door for future employment.

At the end of the evening, we hand out copies of our annual M.F.A. Screenwriting Graduates Directory, featuring brief bios, photos, contact information, and project loglines for our newest graduates. The directory helps industry professionals get to know and connect with the most talented, up-and-coming writers in media and entertainment today.

 View the 2024 MFA Screenwriting Directory


Download prior years of the directory below: