Apply for Internal Admission

Students currently enrolled at LMU who are interested in joining the School of Film and Television are encouraged to apply for internal admission to one of our major or minor programs during their first year at LMU. All applicants are required to meet the following criteria to be eligible to apply to one of our major or minor programs: 

  • Be in good academic standing with no history of academic probation
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25
  • Apply no more than two times to one program (if rejected on their first application) 

Please note we are currently offering internal admission to students interested in our Animation, Film Studies, Recording Arts and Screenwriting programs only. We do not have an internal admission process for our Film and Television Production major program. Please read the admission process for each program below.

  • You can find more information about the Animation major and minor programs here on our website, including the courses we are offering for the upcoming semester. Prospective students are encouraged to take ANIM 101: Discovering Animation to get a sense of the program before applying. For registration clearance to take this course, please fill out this form.

    Major Application Requirements: 

    • Completion of an online application
    • Submission of a creative portfolio that includes 10 to 15 pieces (can be animation, drawing, painting, anything that demonstrates your artistic vision)
    • Submission of a personal essay around 3-5 double-spaced typed pages explaining your academic objectives and future goals within the Animation major
    • Completion of one letter of recommendation/evaluation completed here. You may forward this link to an evaluator of your choice for them to complete. PLEASE NOTE: Recommendations are confidential and are not available to the applicant.
    • Submission of a graduation plan with a semester-by-semester breakdown of how you plan to complete the requirements for the Animation major within the expected graduation timeline. If you need help making a plan, set up an appointment with SFTV Advising for further assistance.

    Minor Application Requirements: 

    • Completion of an online application
    • Submission of a creative portfolio that includes 3 to 6 pieces (can be animation, drawing, painting, anything that demonstrates your artistic vision)
    • Submission of a personal essay around 3-5 double-spaced typed pages explaining your academic objectives and future goals within the Animation minor
    • Submission of a graduation plan with a semester-by-semester breakdown of how you plan to complete the requirements for the Animation minor within the expected graduation timeline. If you need help making a plan, set up an appointment with SFTV Advising for further assistance.
    • Completion of one letter of recommendation/evaluation completed here. You may forward this link to an evaluator of your choice for them to complete. PLEASE NOTE: Recommendations are confidential and are not available to the applicant. 


    • Fall Internal Admission: by Easter Break
    • Spring Internal Admission: by Thanksgiving Break
  • More information about the Film, TV and Media Studies major and minor programs can be found here on our website, including the courses we are offering for the upcoming semester. 

    Major and Minor Application Requirements: 

    • Completion of an online application
    • Submission of a personal statement no longer than 500 words explaining your interest in the Film, Television and Media Studies major or minor program
    • A graduation plan with a semester-by-semester breakdown of how you plan to complete the requirements for the Film, Television and Media Studies major or minor within the expected graduation timeline. If you need help making a plan, set up an appointment with SFTV Advising for further assistance


    • Fall Internal Admission: February 28th/29th
    • Spring Internal Admission: September 30th
  • The Film and Television Production undergraduate major is not accepting applications for internal transfer due to unprecedented enrollment levels.

    For more information on the International Documentary Filmmaking minor, please visit the LMU Study Abroad Website: International Documentary Filmmaking Minor in Bonn Germany

  • More information about the Recording Arts major program can be found here on our website, including the courses we are offering for the upcoming semester. Please note the Recording Arts Department does not offer a minor program at this time. 

    Internal admission to the Recording Arts major is dependent on enrollment levels within each cohort. Applications will be reviewed once during the 2024-2025 academic year and students applying should note that, if accepted, they will either be permitted to join the Class of 2027 cohort OR the Class of 2028 cohort of Recording Arts students. 

    Major Application Requirements: 

    • Completion of an online application form
    • A personal statement no longer than 500 words explaining your interest in adding the Recording Arts major
    • A graduation plan with a semester-by-semester breakdown of how you plan to complete the requirements for the RECA major within the expected graduation timeline. If you need help making a plan, set up an appointment with SFTV Advising for further assistance
    • A minimum of two evaluations/recommendations completed here. Recommenders may be LMU faculty, staff, students, or any other contact with whom you've collaborated on relevant creative work. We suggest at least one academic evaluator and one creative evaluator. PLEASE NOTE: Recommendations are confidential and are not available to the applicant. 

    Deadline for Spring 2025 admission: 

    • September 30, 2024
  • More information about the Screenwriting major and minor programs can be found here on our website, including the courses we are offering for the upcoming semester.  

    Major and Minor Application Requirements: 

    • Completion of an online application
    • Completion of gateway courses (read below for more information)
    • Submission of two creative writing samples, with at least one of them being a completed screenplay. Other creative materials may include non-fiction essays, short stories, scripts, and other static written creative materials.
    • Submission of a personal essay, no longer than 5 double-spaced typed pages, representing you as an individual, your academic objectives and future goals with an explanation of how becoming a major within SFTV will help you achieve your goal
    • Submission of a graduation plan with a semester-by-semester breakdown of how you plan to complete the requirements for the Animation major within the expected graduation timeline. If you need help making a plan, set up an appointment with SFTV Advising for further assistance
    • FOR MAJOR APPLICANTS ONLY: A minimum of two evaluations/recommendations completed here. Recommenders may be LMU faculty, staff, students or any other contact with whom you have collaborated on relevant creative work. We suggest at least one academic evaluator and one creative evaluator. PLEASE NOTE: Recommendations are confidential and are not available to the applicant.

    Gateway Courses: 

    Please note that internal admission into the Screenwriting programs is dependent on the application AND completion of three gateway courses: 

    • SCWR 120: Storytelling for the Screen, completed with a minimum B+
    • SCWR 220: Feature Story Development, completed with a minimum B+
    • FTVS 1010: Art of Cinema OR FTVS 1020: Art of Screen Media 

    The screenwriting gateway courses must be taken sequentially, meaning they cannot be completed at the same time as SCWR 120 serves as a prerequisite for SCWR 220. FTVS 1010/1020 can be completed concurrently with either SCWR course and students can apply when they have the last SCWR course in-progress.  

    The gateway courses typically have restrictions on them, which will prevent many non-SFTV students from registering into them. To request clearance to register for these courses, please fill out the Screenwriting Program Questionnaire. This questionnaire allows the Screenwriting Department to track students who are interested in the program as well as ensure registration clearance to the gateway courses is given to prospective students within a timely manner. 


    • Spring Application Deadline: February 28th/29th
    • Summer Application Deadline: The second Friday of Summer Session II (please check the Academic Calendar for an exact date)
    • Fall Application Deadline: September 30th

If you have further questions on the internal admission process for one of our major or minor programs, please email us at 

Please note that students should not submit a Change of Program form until after they have been notified of their admission into one of our programs. Our office will deny any Change of Program forms submitted by students that have not yet received a decision on their internal admission application.