Registration typically occurs in the month of April for the Fall semester and in the month of November for the Spring semester. Please review the following information for quick overviews and tips on navigating all topics related to registration. If you have any further questions or concerns on what’s listed on this webpage, please reach out directly to

  • Review the Office of the Registrar’s PROWL Registration Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to register into courses through PROWL.

    1. Login to PROWL and under the ‘Students’ tab, select the ‘Browse Courses’ tab under the ‘Students - Registration’ section. Make sure to select the correct semester you are planning to register in.
    2. Use the filters in the search engine to help make finding courses easier.
    3. You can search courses based on their departments by using their registration acronym in the ‘Subject’ entry, such as ‘FTVS’ for Film, TV and Media Studies or ‘SCWR’ for Screenwriting.
    4. If you’re searching for courses that can fulfill a core requirement, you can input the title of the core requirement in the ‘Core Attribute’ entry. Tip: Make sure to only select ‘HNR’ core requirements if you are part of the Honors Program.
    5. Click on the ‘Advanced Search’ button to expand the different filters you can use to make your search even easier. Tip: Check the box next to ‘Open Sections Only’ to filter out courses that have an open seat or waitlist position for you to register in.
    6. Once you pull up a list of courses, make sure to review the following:
      • Restrictions tab: this will tell you whether you are eligible to register into the course based on your Class Level, Major/Minor, and if you need Special Approval
      • Co-requisites tab: this will tell you if there are any other courses you need to register in at the same with this course
      • Prerequisites tab: this will tell you if there any courses you need to complete prior to registering into this course
    7. If there is no Course Description for a course, you can try finding the descriptions on the college/school’s website.
  • A balanced schedule will consist of a good variety of courses, without putting too much emphasis on your major or core curriculum. SFTV Advising recommends students try to register in no more than two courses within one SFTV Department. For example, registering in two core courses, two PROD courses and one RECA course for a semester is a well-balanced schedule because you will covering different fields of study in one semester.

    To build a balance schedule, you can follow this general formula: 

    • 1 major course (ex: FTVS 1010: Art of Cinema, 4 hours)
    • 1 major course (ex: PROD 101: Production Bootcamp, 3 hours)
    • 1 core course (ex: First Year Seminar, 4 hours)
    • 1 core course (ex: Philosophical Inquiry, 4 hours)

    = 4 courses (ex: 15 hours) 

    While students must be registered in a minimum of 12 hours to be considered a full-time student, keep in mind that SFTV advising recommends students register in 15-16 hours per semester to stay on track to complete the university hour requirements in a reasonable time.

  • Each SFTV major has a recommended timeline on when students should complete each major requirement within a typical four-year plan. SFTV advising recommends reviewing these major guides to get a sense on this recommended timeline and then booking an appointment with an advisor to discuss how we can build a graduation plan suited to your needs and academic goals.

  • Most LMU courses have certain restrictions, prerequisites and co-requisites that must be met in order for a student to register into the course. We recommend all students review the restrictions, co-requisites and prerequisites of the courses they plan to register in before their registration date and time rolls around. If a student meets all of these then they are automatically eligible to register into the course, or have registration clearance. If a student does not meet all of these, then they are not eligible to register into a course, or do not have registration clearance. 

    If you are an SFTV student that believes they meet the criteria to register into an SFTV course, but the system does not permit you to, please contact for further assistance on receiving registration clearance. If you are requesting special permission to bypass a restriction, co-requisite or prerequisite for an SFTV course, please reach out directly to the Department Chair for this permission and they will notify SFTV advising to give you registration clearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • “How do I adjust the number of credits for IFTV 2100, the internship course?”
    • When first adding the course to your schedule, you can adjust the total number of credits by going to your PROWL account, clicking on the 'Register for Classes' tab and then hovering your mouse over the highlighted blue '0' credits noted on your schedule next to the course. You should be able to click on the digit and adjust it to '1'. If it is passed the deadline to adjust your credits, you can submit a Late Unit Adjustment form through the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  • “How do I register in more than 18 hours for a semester?”
    • Students must meet the eligibility criteria set forth by the university to register in more than 18 hours for a semester. You can find this information on the most current university bulletin under the ‘Unit Overload’ policy. If you meet the criteria to register in more than 18 hours, you can fill out a Unit Overload form through the Office of the Registrar’s website.
    • Please note that the registrar will only begin to review these types of requests until the current semester has come to an end. You can email us at to confirm an exact date on when their office and our Assistant Dean will begin to review these requests for SFTV students.
  • “How do I receive approval to register in two courses that have a time conflict?”
    • A time conflict occurs when a class meeting time overlaps with another class meeting time, or when one class ends at the same time as another class begins. To register for both classes, you must: 
      1. Register for one of the courses first then discuss receiving approval from the instructor of this course and the instructor of the course you are hoping to add 
      2. Once you receive approval from both instructors, you can submit a Time Conflict form through the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  • “I am interested in registering as a part-time student. How do I initiate this process?”
    • Students taking fewer than the minimum 12 hours required in a semester are considered part-time and pay a flat rate per hour/credit for the semester. If you would like to be considered a part-time student, make sure to only register in the number of credits you’re hoping to be in for the upcoming semester and the Student Accounts Office will adjust your tuition and fees accordingly.
    • Please note you may not qualify for all University activities and benefits, such as eligibility for financial aid, on-campus housing, and intercollegiate athletic competition as a part-time student. Please make sure to consult those applicable offices for further questions on how going part-time may affect you.